Monday, July 27, 2009

Will blue and pink streaks look good on me?

hey i wanted your opinion on if i should put blue or pink streaks in my hair or not or if you can think of a better are some links to my pics

let me know


Will blue and pink streaks look good on me?


Will blue and pink streaks look good on me?

Pink maybe, but blue will overdo it and will look trashy

Will blue and pink streaks look good on me?

if it won't make more friction between you and your parents, go for it! ;-)

Will blue and pink streaks look good on me?

sure...if you wanted to look like an idiot... people that dye there hair different colors like pink,blue,green,purple ect. are crazy but since your blonde pink and blue will look good on you.

good luck,


Will blue and pink streaks look good on me?

Fawks no.

Will blue and pink streaks look good on me?

Light blue, but dark blue wouldn't be good. Pink, light pink not hot pink.

Will blue and pink streaks look good on me?


Will blue and pink streaks look good on me?

while they are cool at first, keep this in will fade extremely within the first week, and it won't be as will fade to a greyish color if it even gets the desired blue to start with...

I wouldn't recommend it, unless you are just doing a one time use thing, then yes...that's pretty cool...but just stick w/ one or the other...not both

Will blue and pink streaks look good on me?

pink yes blue no pink will look cute

Will blue and pink streaks look good on me?

Choose one and stick with it.

Will blue and pink streaks look good on me?

I think you should do pink highlights for the undertones in your hair. It won't be outrageously noticable but it will get you attention for it.

Will blue and pink streaks look good on me?

i think u shouldnt put those colors in your hair....pick more of a natural color ...but i think it wouldnt look that good!!!

Will blue and pink streaks look good on me?

Blue would make it look weird! I think pink would be right for you..

Will blue and pink streaks look good on me?


Will blue and pink streaks look good on me?

I think you should stay more natural. go to a salon. they will help you find something that works for you and they will professionally put it in for you so you do not mess your hair up. If you want something different try gold or light blond. it will be drastic but more natural with your look.

Will blue and pink streaks look good on me?

why blue and pink? i don't think those are good colors for you. sorry.

Will blue and pink streaks look good on me?

wowee goin for the punk look.....hmmmm...well.....u could get both...or 1 or the other......its up to what u like and be diffrent....DIFFRENT ROX!!!!!




Will blue and pink streaks look good on me?

try more softer colors that will go great with your hair, since your hair is strawberry blonde, i'd go with some brown and blonde streaks. maybe blue, but don't do pink it just overpowers everything and will look trashy and clownish.

Will blue and pink streaks look good on me?

If you are going to put streaks in your hair, I think pink would look the best. Blue would be too much, and pink would look nice with your skin tone, and would overall look nicer. :D

Will blue and pink streaks look good on me?

its definately gonna look punky but if you like punky then itll be fine

Will blue and pink streaks look good on me?

I would do pink or purple. Maybe even red. Red would really stand out. Blue looks cool when it's first done, but as soon as it starts to fade it looks like crap.

Will blue and pink streaks look good on me?

Pink will look nice, but I think blue might be adding too much to your hair.

Will blue and pink streaks look good on me?

hey why not you only live once if you want it do it sod what others say your hair

Will blue and pink streaks look good on me?

Blond hair looks great with bright colors in it. You can do any color, and it will be a nice contrast/statement. I have two daughters, one with dark brown hair and the other one with medium blond. My blond daughter wears blue and bright green clip-in hair extensions, and my brown daughter loves the hot pink and purple (the purple does not show up as well). I buy them on EBay from the seller called "allmycloset" for about $22 for six high quality extensions with secure clips. Here is the link to her store:

Speaking from experience, and way before the market had these clip-in extensions, brightly colored hair streaks were hard to maintain for me. If you have not died your hair, why do it if you do not have to? If you use the clip-in extensions, you can take them out when you are in situations (as with my daughters at their grandparents' house) that you might receive grief about them and wear them whenever you want. In addition, the color stays in the clip-ins really well, and you can curl them, straighten them, use color protectant shampoo, etc. - just as you would regular hair (because it is human hair). Best of luck, and I hope you have fun with your new colors!

Will blue and pink streaks look good on me?

uh no i brown or a lighter blonde will suit you

Will blue and pink streaks look good on me?

YES! u would look like a punk rocker chick ya get the blue and pink streaks it wud look great!! good luck!! =)

Will blue and pink streaks look good on me?

no radical colours will get my vote, you are a cute girl, you don't want to spoil that, i vote for blonde highlights.

Will blue and pink streaks look good on me?

dont get highlights, just get your tips... pink will be waaaayyy better

Will blue and pink streaks look good on me?

yes go for it

Will blue and pink streaks look good on me?

go 4 pink cuz look at Avril lavigne she has blond hair!

Will blue and pink streaks look good on me?

pink would but i dont know about blue. blue will make it all clashy! pink would look fine on you!!!!!!!!!!=)

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