Monday, July 27, 2009

What does it mean when you see yourself dying your hair to multi colors in a dream?

Before I slept, I prayed Id be shown a good decision about my job, whether to leave it or not, and voila! I see myself dying my hair to pink, purple, green yellow and all sorts of colors.

What does it mean when you see yourself dying your hair to multi colors in a dream?

You dreamed your indecision and that because of this your aura colors are out of whack. You need to meditate not only pray and look over your pros and cons. Also, with the colors you saw could mean an emotional tie to the ones you possibly work with. Pink is a loving color, purple is religious beliefs, green and yellows are a heightened interest in another direction and for the need to grow. If you have had other offers from other jobs, do the background on the position, speak to those that work there, and it may help you be more clear on your decision. Just feel comforted that you dreamed in a rainbow because it helps you determine your feelings and you can describe your feelings in color. Go from there and try to meditate and get as much info as you can.

Here is a website about auras and what each color represents.

Blessed be and Peace

What does it mean when you see yourself dying your hair to multi colors in a dream?

I did not bother for the dreams

What does it mean when you see yourself dying your hair to multi colors in a dream?

probably just have dying your hair on your mind. nothing special.

What does it mean when you see yourself dying your hair to multi colors in a dream?

Sometimes a dream is just a dream.

What does it mean when you see yourself dying your hair to multi colors in a dream?

You want to get a better job at Hot Topic.

What does it mean when you see yourself dying your hair to multi colors in a dream?

It means nothing. It is just your brain processing random information that the senses have recieved throughout your life.

What does it mean when you see yourself dying your hair to multi colors in a dream?

That means you should dye your hair to get good decision for your job


What does it mean when you see yourself dying your hair to multi colors in a dream?

What do the colors mean to YOU? In fact, how do you feel about coloring your hair? Could anything you saw on TV or on the street or read about have triggered the dream?

Maybe it means you subconsciously or otherwise yearn for a change.

Know yourself, dream interpretation is different for everyone... sort of like deciphering a complex puzzle :)

What does it mean when you see yourself dying your hair to multi colors in a dream?

Salam Alaikum Wu Rahmat'Allah Wu Barakathou, "sho be jabteek hatoo" :)

I wonder you know sister, what frequencies they have infiltrated now? Good thing for the Justice League Cpu to identify such threats and deal with them with peace and patience that was granted to us in mercy of all things. Al hamdoullah.

Wisdom through knowledge and its infinite in the Quran Al Karim. As for the negative effects of changing the color of your skin or hair or things, well research is defiantly needed for all things that we use on or inside ourselves.

I don't see any reason to change what you been given unless your going to need it. There is difference between a "Need" and a "Want". Khair inshAllah

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