Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Whats your favorite hair color?

Choose what your favorite hair color is, it doesnt matter weather you have the color already or not, just as long as you know what color you like best, it can be blond, brown, black, pink, purple, any color of hair. But whats your fav?

Whats your favorite hair color?


Brown is a close second.

I've had my hair purple, green, red/scarlet, blue, white/platinum, brown, and blonde...but purple and brown are still the best.

Whats your favorite hair color?

Thanks! :) Report It

Whats your favorite hair color?


Whats your favorite hair color?

I love reds. I have brown hair naturally, but it has red highlights. So, i tend to color my hair in various shades of red (I choose a new color each time I do it, because I think so many of them are fun). Each time i cycle back to a brown color, I appreciate my natural color all that much more!

Whats your favorite hair color?

my favorite is either a rich, dark brown or red.

Whats your favorite hair color?


Whats your favorite hair color?

carrot orange!!!! looks stunning on people with fair skin.

Whats your favorite hair color?

i think brunettes are really lucky cause their hair is amazing.

Whats your favorite hair color?


Whats your favorite hair color?

blue black

Whats your favorite hair color?

It depends on the person, really.

I can't decide on myself. I am a natural brunette with natural chesnut highlights and green eyes and pale skin, and I also look good in honey and golden blonds, and also in burgundy shades. The decision is difficult, and in the case of light highlights, very permenant.

The true beautiful natural brunette shades, I once discovered before becoming virgin hair again, is impossible to duplicate from chemicals.

So I don't know, but beautiful brunette from nature is not duplicatable, thus more rare, especially in older age when many people start covering (and lightening) to disguise grays.

Whats your favorite hair color?

blond on blond, that's two shades of blond not streaks but wide chunks

Whats your favorite hair color?

I love red hair the most.

Whats your favorite hair color?

doesnt matter what color. brunettes do it better haha...

Whats your favorite hair color?


Whats your favorite hair color?

black. i do like MY blonde hair though! lol

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