Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Hair color/bleaching?

ok so i have i think an oval shaped head.

1)what cut would look good?

i like this

(idk who that is i found it online?)

2.i wanted to get bland and pink streaks(i have brunetre hair that still has black in it from my 1st dying) but i cancelled when they said i had to bleach my hair

soooo.....what happens when they blech it (i heard it messes up your hair)

and should i do it??

thanks ciao

Hair color/bleaching?

plz don't bleach it cuz it RUINED my hair!!! i used to have the most gorgeous hair out of my friends that was silky and shiny and highlighting it just made it so bad....

if you do want to bleach it, then be prepared to spend a LOT of money on hair products to take care of your hair such as expensive shampoos for dry/damged hair, hair masks, conditioners, leave in conditioners, glosses, shine sprays, etc.

(i spend a lot on hair products)

i'm still waiting on my hair to grow....i'm halfwayish there!!!

so don't even think about bleaching it....

celebs do it all the time cuz they have the money for the treaments and hair care products.

the rest of us just end up with dull hair or way past our budget.

so plz don't bleach it!!

i think the cut is really cute by the way :)

Hair color/bleaching?

Take this pic to a salon and ask them. Its hard to tell but I think the girl has an oval shaped face to.

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