Wednesday, October 7, 2009

HELP my hair looks like mud????

Have you ever used color oops?

I dyed my hair a violet red the darkest shade of red by Joico as suggested by my teacher ( i wanted only a red tone...i should have gone with the toner instead) so what happened is i turned a violet black...i went to Sallys and got a 30 volume developer...i dyed my hair an light auburn...i believe that removed a slight amount of purple but now much...per suggestion of the manager at Sallys she suggested this over a color remover...because i know most color removers contain bleach which in essence is a soap the end result is a burgundy violet black that i currently my hair had been dyed two weeks ago a shade of brown i wish i had kept...which was covering up the "chocolate" shade my class dyed my hair which really turned pink but faded to a nasty copper orange...i know my real hair color is long gone since my class did a soap cap on me...which was a pain...but its sooo damn dark...i don't know if i should just ride it out and use the

HELP my hair looks like mud????

Maybe you should beach it into a platinum blode colour and then dye it to a shade very close to your old shade. Use some really good shampoos and coniditior and I think you should be fine. Maybe next time try red lowlight or something like that?

What was your most embarassing home-hair-color blunder?

I was 16 and had dyed my hair blonde at home. I let it be for a couple of weeks and decided to dye my hair maroonish. It turned pink. Not cool neon pink, but washed out salmon-colored pink. My mother was so mad she made me go to school the next day with my hair that color.....

How about you?

What was your most embarassing home-hair-color blunder?

I tried to bleach my hair blonde at home, and something went terribly wrong and it ended up "Bozo the Clown" orange. I had to go to WORK th next day with it like that...and then after work I went to my stylist who finished bleaching it for me......turned out nice, too ; )

What was your most embarassing home-hair-color blunder?


What was your most embarassing home-hair-color blunder?

yeah i have dark hair and i dyed it blond, lets just say i looked terrible every few weeks when the roots grew out thankfully now my hair is long and healthy again i will never dye it again

What was your most embarassing home-hair-color blunder?


Whats your favorite hair color?

Choose what your favorite hair color is, it doesnt matter weather you have the color already or not, just as long as you know what color you like best, it can be blond, brown, black, pink, purple, any color of hair. But whats your fav?

Whats your favorite hair color?


Brown is a close second.

I've had my hair purple, green, red/scarlet, blue, white/platinum, brown, and blonde...but purple and brown are still the best.

Whats your favorite hair color?

Thanks! :) Report It

Whats your favorite hair color?


Whats your favorite hair color?

I love reds. I have brown hair naturally, but it has red highlights. So, i tend to color my hair in various shades of red (I choose a new color each time I do it, because I think so many of them are fun). Each time i cycle back to a brown color, I appreciate my natural color all that much more!

Whats your favorite hair color?

my favorite is either a rich, dark brown or red.

Whats your favorite hair color?


Whats your favorite hair color?

carrot orange!!!! looks stunning on people with fair skin.

Whats your favorite hair color?

i think brunettes are really lucky cause their hair is amazing.

Whats your favorite hair color?


Whats your favorite hair color?

blue black

Whats your favorite hair color?

It depends on the person, really.

I can't decide on myself. I am a natural brunette with natural chesnut highlights and green eyes and pale skin, and I also look good in honey and golden blonds, and also in burgundy shades. The decision is difficult, and in the case of light highlights, very permenant.

The true beautiful natural brunette shades, I once discovered before becoming virgin hair again, is impossible to duplicate from chemicals.

So I don't know, but beautiful brunette from nature is not duplicatable, thus more rare, especially in older age when many people start covering (and lightening) to disguise grays.

Whats your favorite hair color?

blond on blond, that's two shades of blond not streaks but wide chunks

Whats your favorite hair color?

I love red hair the most.

Whats your favorite hair color?

doesnt matter what color. brunettes do it better haha...

Whats your favorite hair color?


Whats your favorite hair color?

black. i do like MY blonde hair though! lol

What's a good hair color for my hair?

My natural hair color is dirty blond. Right now it is a little orange (mom is a certified hairdresser but not a very good one) with bleach blond at where I part my hair (at the roots). My hair used to be dark red. My mom said since I didn't agree with any of her ideas, she said she would take me to Sally's Beauty Supply to buy some hair dye that I like. I was thinking turning it black with a couple streaks of a neon color (green or blue). I ABSOLUTELY do not want to be blond again! And plus the girl I hate in my school (and she hates me too) has he same hair color as I do right now, orange. What's a good color? I just want a hair color that I can put at least one neon colored streak in my hair. And I HATE pink!

What's a good hair color for my hair?

if youre wanting to put a neon color in it...i recommend a dark brown or black, that way the bright color streaks you put in it will stand out and look great. i recently went from blonde to dark brown and i love it so much. i think you will like going dark.

What's a good hair color for my hair?

Black will work perfectly, and it will blend right in with the neon,s it won't be much of a problem, plus it will be a change from that girl you don't like anyways lol! good luck =]

What's a good hair color for my hair?

Black would look totally awesome with a few dark auburn streaks and a neon blue or purple.

What's a good hair color for my hair?

stay with yo natural hair color girl. it will go best with your skin :)))))

What's a good hair color for my hair?

With ur coloring ur best bet is a deep chocolate brown so it looks almost black but not quit. do not go black. trust me on this one!

What's a good hair color for my hair?

I agree go for a change, but try brown first, don't go any darker. It might turn out too dark, and won't look good with your complexion.

What's a good hair color for my hair?

you should try dark is really difficult because once you go black it takes a lot to go back, good luck :)

What's a good hair color for my hair?

try a chocolate brown colour

What's a good hair color for my hair?

How to Pick the Right Hair Color based on your hair color and undertone to avoid color failure

Help me on hair?

i have shoulder lenght thick black hair

i want to go for something different i like bright colours

but my parents dont whnt me to go to over the top

i want something different and unique but with class

how can i have some colours like gold or pink or blue in my hair but stillm ake it appropriete

for my parents

any help

Help me on hair?

with you have black hair how about some highlights they don't recommend you using blonde highlights for your hair but you can go to your hair dressers and explain your situation and see what she comes up with also there is wash in and out sprays you can get that has all different colours and once your parents knows that it will come out soon as you wash your hair I'm sure they wont mind

Help me on hair?

put blonde on botttttom

Help me on hair?

get some hair extensions and just clip them in when you need to ...

Temporary hair colours?

ok so im going to a party and me and my friends have decided to wear crazy colours in our hair. one of our friends mentioned that if we put wash out colours in our hair it will ruin our hair. Is there anything else we can do instead of putting hair dye? like is there clip on hair that comes in pink or green or something like that?

thankyou so much for your help!


Temporary hair colours?

how about getting a pink or green wig from a store like spencers

Temporary hair colours?

color pulse is a good hair dye its $5 and you can buy it at walmart and places like tht and it lasts for 8 shampoos. and it comes out if you shampoo your hair 10 times in 1 day or if you go in a pool it comes out.

Temporary hair colours?

you can get hair dye at hot topic that can last from 3 days-2 weeks usually if you wash regularly

Temporary hair colours?

I perocided my hair and it turned orange. All you have to do is put some in a bowl with water and sit the part you want a color and then wait at least 24 hours... But i might have a different tezture I 'm black and mexican with a mix hair...soo...!?

How to take out my pink streaks...?

I have pink semi-permanent streaks in my hair. I got it done a week before Christmas. I kinda want them out now because I want to dye my hair all black. What is the best thing to do to get them out? Oh ya, just to tell you, the hair stylist put the pink streaks on blonde streaks (if that makes a difference to you guys)

What shoud I use to take them out? Thanx!

How to take out my pink streaks...?

you cant really bleach out the pink, unless you want fuzzy hair. you dont need to though,if your dying your hair all black, just put it right over.

How to take out my pink streaks...?

..just dye it black... the pink isn't gonna stay over the black that's for sure...

How to take out my pink streaks...?

If it's a semi, and it was done that long ago, I doubt there's much left...if you really want them out you could use a bleaching kit found at the drugstore (almost any brand has one). However, when you go from blonde to black or brunette, they would use a red filler in a salon to prevent green tones before adding the dark colour...and you already have that! :-) I'd say keep it in.

How to take out my pink streaks...?

just get a dark coloured mousse to stain the pink and dye over it black covers most colours...

How to take out my pink streaks...?

dye it red first (bright red or a more "natural" version) [i recommend schwartzkopf live for this part at least, as it covers well but fades quickly lol] , bleach or "pre-lightener" removes the natural pigments from the hair which are actually naturally red (no matter your hair colour to begin with) so you need to put the red back in, then dye it black, it shouldnt fade to grey then or a really dingy looking brown.

How should i cut my hair for school???

Ok my hair is blonde and I'm gettin pink at the tips. My hair is a bit longer past my sholders. I don't want it to short and i want a punk hair cut. I want it to be diffrent that just the plain old layers i want it to stand out but not make me look like a freak.

How should i cut my hair for school???

a long, shaggy, fringe-y, cut, youll have to use a flat iron on it though

How should i cut my hair for school???

check out scene hair on check out those pictures, there are some awsome ones !

A question about bleaching my hair. please answer!!! (A hair stylist would be helpful)?

Okay right now I have dirty blonde hair w/ black and pink streaks. When those fade out, I want to completely bleach my hair and then dye my bangs bright pink over the bleach. My hair used to be really fine but it's starting to get thicker. If I do all that to my hair, will it completely ruin it. (I'll be going to a professional, not doing it myself)

If you need more information, mail me. and THANK YOU!! (I really need answers)

A question about bleaching my hair. please answer!!! (A hair stylist would be helpful)?

I am a stylist so here is my advice:) If your hair is dry at all, brittle feeling, mushy feeling when wet, breaks when you brush normally, or tangles easier than normal, DON"T DO IT. this means your hair is probably already damaged and putting more chemicals on your hair would make it even more tender. However, if your hair is soft, strong, and pretty healthy, I would say go for it!!! The only thing that bleach does is rough up the cuticle or the outer scaly layer of the hair. then it goes into the second layer and breaks up the other hair) resulting from bleach is usually just very porous, meaning the cuticle (scales) are roughed up a little.. To test your cuticle and check whether or not your hair is in a good condition to do this:

Take one strand of hair

Starting at your scalp, pinch your hair gently with you thumb and first finger and slide it down your hair.

It;s smooth right?

Now, do the same thing but start at the end of your hair and work up to your scalp.

Its normal to feel slightly different, but If it feels very rough, or dry, your hair may not be up to it. If it feels slightly different or just as smooth going up, then your cuticle is in tip top shape!!!Hope this helped!

P.S BY BLEACH I DON"T MEAN CLOROX!!lol..Most salons use a powder or cream lightener.

A question about bleaching my hair. please answer!!! (A hair stylist would be helpful)?

oh my

A question about bleaching my hair. please answer!!! (A hair stylist would be helpful)?

i aint even read your thing, all I read is your question and I heard bleach and hair in that sentence, all I'm saying is DO NOT BLEACH YOUR HAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A question about bleaching my hair. please answer!!! (A hair stylist would be helpful)?

Bleaching your hair is never good for it. If you do go to a professional though they will lighten your hair but they will not use straight bleach as you are suggesting. It will however be hard to get your current black and pink streaks out because they tend to stain your hair. Your hair will not be completely ruined but it also won't be as healthy as it is. Good luck!

A question about bleaching my hair. please answer!!! (A hair stylist would be helpful)?

Well doing all those things to your hair will damage it. But, you can repair it later on by using Dove's new shampoo. It's suppose to repair split ends, dried hair etc etc.

Since you have dirty blonde hair why not streak it if you want light blonde hair.

A question about bleaching my hair. please answer!!! (A hair stylist would be helpful)?

WHOA! Hold the presses...

Assuming you used black hair dye it will never "fade" is the strongest dye load there is... It won't bleach out either. it will turn a funky orange/peach color at best and any attmept at doing it over (while it may turn the color you want) will then create the ugly gummy ruined hair.

Anytime someone hears bleach they automatically think ruined or damaged... Blonde in haircoloring terms is an absence of color therefore ALL blonding is a form of bleaching. So get that out of your head to start with LoL

As for the pink? It won't completely fade either and bleach won't get it all the way out...been there done that... So you can see why trying to get your hair one solid blonde is not going to work.... There are options...but at least you know this going in...and make sure the professional is real thorough with what you will and will NOT accept!!

This is why I tell people when they make certain color choices to make sure they can live with them. Some options are more permanent then others...and trying to force the hair to change gets you a really hard long term lesson in the "don'ts" of color!

Good Luck!!

What shud i change my hair to?

ok click the link to see a picture of me

shud I.

dye my hair bleach blond then get pink tips on my bangs

dye my hair black then get pink tips on my bangs

dye my hair black with bleach blond tips then pink on my bangs

keep my normal color and get pink tips on my bangs

What shud i change my hair to?

ur very pretty i like the idea with the pink tips

but how did u get the writing to move well the colors to move on the writing?


What shud i change my hair to?

I think you look really pretty with the hair you have now!

What shud i change my hair to?

defiently keep your normal hair color and get pink tips on your bangs!

What shud i change my hair to?

i think dye black with blond tips

What shud i change my hair to?

Just get pink hair tips.

What shud i change my hair to?

your hair looks good the way it is! why do u want to change it?

What shud i change my hair to?

dye it black and then get pink highlight's

What shud i change my hair to?

i think u look good now..but i guess if u wanted an answer from ur choices...either #1 or #2...def NOT #3...too much color change.

What shud i change my hair to?

you hair should be black with pink tips that would be HOT!

What shud i change my hair to?

I think it would look good black with pink tips.

What shud i change my hair to?

forget pink tips!!

you already have great hair. i think its died but looks original.but its cool

red hair is soooo good!

pink looks fake anyways.who has pink hair?


just keep this hair but moisturise it with olive or almond oil. it's gettin dry!

then u can have a new haircut and then you'll feel good about it. pink is out!!!!

original hair rocks.

What shud i change my hair to?

black with blond tips

then you can use temperary colors to get it pink for a couple weeks. And you can do different colors if you get sick of pink

here's some cool ones

What shud i change my hair to?

I think you should allow your hair time to recover. Colouring it too much will make it really brittle and break off. I would get a really good cut and use salon hair products. My hair is bleached from dishwater blond (natural), here is my picture from my blog.

What shud i change my hair to?

Keep your normal hair. U really look pretty with it. Maybe pink bangs.

Any good short-term hair dyes?

...In very vivid neon colors?

I want to get a pink streak, but all the hair dyes come out in like 24 shampoos.

What should I use, and where would I get it?

Apparently Raw hair color works well, but I'm not sure it comes out very easily.

I have blonde hair.

Any good short-term hair dyes?

hot topic has neon colors . also try sallys .. they arent permanent so like after i say about 15-20 washes it will come out maybe even longer. haveee fun =]

Any good short-term hair dyes?

Raw or Color Pulse!!


Any good short-term hair dyes?

Manic panic worked good for me, without bleaching first, I did it red, but you may need to bleach to get the pink, not too sure on that one. But if you have a Sally beauty supply store anywhere near you they should carry it, I picked mine up there. They have stuff that washes out in one wash too, if that's what your looking for, I know they carry some spray in stuff too. Good luck!

Hair professionals, Help?

I got my hair bleached with some pink in it and the pink bled when i washed my hair. Is there anyway i can get the pink out of my blond. Please dont say go back and ge it redone i am trying not to have to do that.

Hair professionals, Help?

Well if the pink is mixed in with the blond there is not really a way to get the pink out of the blond without removing all of the pink. You can only get the pink bleached out with the rest of your hair. You can also try to get a color remover from sallys and work around the pink you have to get it off the blond. sry if that sounds confusing. email me w/ any more questions.

Hair professionals, Help?

srry. but that prolly wat u will hafta do..or call the company and tell them what happend and they may give u a refund and other stuff. i kno it shouldnt of done htat...bummer. just get ahold of the company

Hair professionals, Help?

Loreal Color Zap gently washes away all permanent haircolor. Ideal for color correction, removal of dark shades, muddy, uneven results or color build up. Leaves hair ready for immediate re-coloring. Loreal Effasol Color Remover washes away permanent haircolor, leaving hair ready for recoloring. Can be used with water or developer.

Jerome Rusell's Punky Color Punk Off is an easy to use gel that will cleanse your skin from hair dye stains.

Roux Clean Touch is a gentle formula that removes haircolor from skin and scalp. Removes excess color from hair ends and assists in removing stains from clothing.

Home remedies include this one:

Hot Oil treatments, hairspray, shampooing and exposure to water will gradually fade hair dye. To remove the last bit of residue or stain on the hair (or to get color out immediately) make up a small batch of bleach mixture and add it to 2 tablespoons or so of shampoo in a cup. Stir it up. Shampoo your hair with this mixture, "kneading" the hair. Start at the roots and work your way down to the end, and then back up. You should see the color disappear right before your eyes.

Hair professionals, Help?

You need to go get a box of hair-color from the store and match it with your hair color. If that doesn't work i would suggest you go make them fix your hair, because that sounds like cheap hair coloring to me.

Hair problem helppp?

okie im gonna cut my hair like da top short and bottom long

and den the bottom of both side of my hair . I want to do tiny part of my hair blond with stripe pink like a zebra but i dunno wah color hair would match with it......

pink stripe like dat bt my gonna be at bottom not top and like i dont want my whol head blond i want some other color bt i dunno which will match soo helpp me please

im thinking jetblack blue but im not sure

Hair problem helppp?

youuu crazzyyy?

Hair problem helppp?

it sounds like a mess from a hairdressers point of view. you need to really think about what u want where. and why so many different colors? the hot colors dont last very long cusz u have to bleach it first. look on google under images and look up wild hair or punk hair. just to get a giant selection.

p.s/ who r u in the picture. and we can't see your hair

Do u Like My Hair?

I just put PiNk front streaks in my hair, and also dyed the tips hot parents hate but i love do u think it looks?

Do u Like My Hair?

it looks great man don't change it

Do u Like My Hair?

very nice

Do u Like My Hair?

ummm,i think it looks nice!

Do u Like My Hair?

haha, it looks awesome =) and if you like it, then who cares what your parents think?

Do u Like My Hair?

yeah I like it, looks nice

Do u Like My Hair?

i really love ur hair! i think im gonna do my hair that way lol

Do u Like My Hair?

i looked at your 360 page its cute i like the hair it looks nice on ya

Do u Like My Hair?

yeah and i did ot even huh

Do u Like My Hair?


Do u Like My Hair?

Sorry to say Im not a fan of it but I confidence

Do u Like My Hair?

take away the tips hot pink

Do u Like My Hair?

Oh!! Beautiful hair!!!

Do u Like My Hair?

GR8...i love it!

Do u Like My Hair?

very nice.very nice

Whats the best hair colour a woman can have that isnt natrual?

when i say isn't natrual, i dont mean pink or yellow i mean hair that has been dyed (OH we were sad about it) haha sorry coff coff carry on .... ehem...

andyway i'm getting my hair done and cut sort of short so it doesn't hang but short enough to cover my neck, and i'm going for brown or hazelnut if you want to call it that..or should i get something different

p.s blonde hair doesn't suit my face

Whats the best hair colour a woman can have that isnt natrual?

Thats sounds good, you can if you want later, have some low lights or high light added if you have a good base colour.

Whats the best hair colour a woman can have that isnt natrual?

Red tones...If i wasnt blonde i would definitely go red

Whats the best hair colour a woman can have that isnt natrual?

have it done Auburn red,

just like mine,..yea!!!


Whats the best hair colour a woman can have that isnt natrual?

Just get blond streaks.......

Whats the best hair colour a woman can have that isnt natrual?

If you are dark colour go for bergandy, if you are light toned go for brown and if you are brown towned go for coppersunset, trust me it will show off your skin tone and make your beauty shine with elegance

Whats the best hair colour a woman can have that isnt natrual?

I think it all depends on your skin colour. If you are pale i would go for blonde. I like Brown hair though because it suits just about everyone! I just wouldn't dye my hair black because it is very hard to get it back to its natural hair colour. I THINK BROWN/HAZELNUT SOUNDS GREAT! go 4 it!

Whats the best hair colour a woman can have that isnt natrual?

Either brown with some highlights and/or some lowlights to brighten. It gives your hair dimension instead of one flat color.

Whats the best hair colour a woman can have that isnt natrual?

why don't you try some high or low lights , you can have a few or lots, then you can see if they suit you rather than a block of one colour that you may not like.

Whats the best hair colour a woman can have that isnt natrual?

if you are dirty fair.

I have been using Nice and easy from Clairol for years using "Light Ash Brown" or "light ash blonde-106" both these are very natural and do not have any tints of red in them ....tupenceatseaforde.

ASH is good as one gets older and blends with grey well.

Whats the best hair colour a woman can have that isnt natrual?

I get compliments on my dyed dark red hair all the time. My hair is naturally brown. The only thing you need to watch for is that dark red with a hint of orange goes better with warm tones, and dark red with a hint of purple goes better with cool tones. I prefer a hint of purple.

Whats the best hair colour a woman can have that isnt natrual?

i have been blonde for as long as i can remember but have recently gone mahogany brown (slight red tone), everyone has said how much it suits me and makes my eyes stand out (my eyes are dark brown)... it also makes my skin look darker then the blonde did.

Whats the best hair colour a woman can have that isnt natrual?

Get advise from the hairdresser that is doing your hair. They will have strnds that they can hold to your hair and to your skin to give you an idea and to get the correct colour that will suit your skin tones.

There are many techniques in which to add various colours to your hair that will:

1. emphasise your cut

2. add tones to your colour

3. grow out well so that it won't need to be re-done often.

Always ask questions and tell them what you like and dislike.

Whats the best hair colour a woman can have that isnt natrual?

Try low lights with hazel overtones. Looks stunning but natural.

Whats the best hair colour a woman can have that isnt natrual?

i have brown hair and i think that a dark red or cherry colour works fine. good luck

Whats the best hair colour a woman can have that isnt natrual?

You should pick something suitable to your skin tone. If blonde doesn't work for you, you'll probably be wanting a more brunette shade. I would suggest staying away from reds, as I've never seen dyed red hair that doesn't look dyed. They've got too many pink or purple tones in them, they never look natural.

Whats the best hair colour a woman can have that isnt natrual?

I used to get a transparent hair color that resembled shelack. It was pretty and you did not have to worry about roots.

Whats the best hair colour a woman can have that isnt natrual?

hazelnut brown is very nice

Whats the best hair colour a woman can have that isnt natrual?

I'm a natural blonde, honest, but over the years it started to look moussy so I started dying it. Lifetime commitment I tell ya. Go for something near your own natural shade so that when it grows and your roots start showing you don't have to retouch them as often, or just have highlights put in. Much less hassle and they look ok when growing out. You are lucky, my skin is so pale I only suit my natural shade of v light blonde anyway. Any other and I look sick.

Whats the best hair colour a woman can have that isnt natrual?

So I have dark brown hair but I dye my hair on a fairly regular basis. If you are planning on doing this, if you opt for a fairly light brown then you can keep topping up your hair with different browns which will look very sleek and shiny for years to come. If you are not planning on dying your hair then you certainly cant go for anything too drastic as your roots will look horrific and its not nice. Blonde highlights i personally think is a no no unless you can pul it off with the right snobby clothes and not high street clothes as it will make you look like a cheap tramp. I would go for hazlenut for sure, your hair will looked conditioned, rich and shiney with this colour.

Whats the best hair colour a woman can have that isnt natrual?

no guys love brown hair

Whats the best hair colour a woman can have that isnt natrual?

red looks pretty cool

Are there specific hair salons to get "scene" hair?

Last time I went to this hair stylist, they didn't do it right at ALL

I showed them the picture, and all the did was layer my hair.

They didn't even do the pink extensions right! They put it under the layers of my hair.

Jesus, i really didn't want to be rude about it but i couldn't help but go "wtf"

They basically made me direct them of what I wanted.

I showed them the picture an everything, they didn't know what the hell they were doing. I could tell they were confused.

And I asked them what products I could use for teasing my hair.

They never answered me.

It was probably my mom took me to a cheap hairdresser when the whole hair cut, condition, and pink extensions were a total of like $40-50 lol

so yeah. :]


Are there specific hair salons to get "scene" hair?

The best idea I have for you to to do is to go and look at different hair salons. Look at the kind of atmosphere and kind of hair stylists that they have. Do they have an edgy style for their own hair? Stylists have more of an edgy style usually are the kinds I would recommend going to. I did that when I switched hair dressers and I've never looked back.

Are there specific hair salons to get "scene" hair?

you need a good thickening product like bed head cocky i have it !! it's good and you need hairspray and a teaser comb anf or a brush...go to and type in scene hair and or go to phto bucket and trype in scene hair

Are there specific hair salons to get "scene" hair?

Try some clip in hair extensions that wont ruin your hair and can get you that 'scene look' without causing you to become broke! I sell human hair extensions, clip ins. They are great premium quality, made from real human hair, remy, and since it is not synthetic, you can curl, cut, color, or style it as you please. It comes in every length and last forever. I sell full sets, color highlights, and more. contact me at Love to hear from you!

Are there specific hair salons to get "scene" hair?

here !

lots of ideas

and finally, a video for more ideas.

Rash above pubic hair???

I have a slight pink rash above my pubic hair. I have had it for 2 days. It doesnt really bother me. I do have a little burning about 10mins a day, not much at all. I'm a huge worrier. its hardly there, but I like to freak out about stuff. It does NOT itch at all. THere are no bumps, just a pink color. I'm over weight and its about where my stomach fat So i'm thinking a heat rash? I put on gold bond....and it burnt!!!!!! So now its burning a bit and turned more red.

Any idea what this could be and what I can do about it?


Rash above pubic hair???

put some hydrocoterzone on it it is the best cream in the world cuz it worked for me for anything

Rash above pubic hair???

The source below talks about heat rash and other types of rashes. You may be able to diagnose and treat yours.

Rash above pubic hair???

You could have alleges to some that you eat that day or the nite before. If you had shave there its could be pink, if your burning does not go a way for 1 week see a dr.

Rash above pubic hair???

may be just tight underwear lol but put so baby but vream there it might help

Rash above pubic hair???

sounds like a rash to me. Possibly caused by the waist band of underwear or belt or even just chafing of skin against fabric. Short term solution is to clean gently with warm water and very very mild soap. Then pat dry (no rubbing). Put on clothes that don;t bind in that area (avoid underwear if you don't have any loose waited ones. A good aloe based body lotion might also help with easing the discomfort.

Best long term solution is to get rid of the fat. Get out for walks or bike rides, play a sport or just do some exercises. Also watcdh what you eat so you consume mostly healthy netritious (yet tasty) foods. And be sure to get ample sleep, spend lots of time outside to get plenty of fresh air and sunshine. I suspect if you slim down a ways, the problem won't recur as often. Plus you are going to feel way better about yourself.

How should u handle thick hair if no one wants to do it?

All my life my sister had done my hair, it was long and pretty.

Now that I am 17 yers old I have all this hair and dont know what to do with it. I condition and wrap my hair every night with pink har lotion, and oil therpy. Also us leave in conditioner.

Unfournately i go to a school in which your hair have to be above your shoulders or couler. My inside of my hair had gotten wavy and hard to comb. When I hot combed my hair it was ok for on day , and my hair became its normal way.

My frien d hade put a perm in my hair called bone straight, which really worked. But later there was damage in my hair my edges were breaking off, middle part of my hair broke off etc. i dont have any money to go to the hair salon to get my hair done. like the rest of the kids at school who tease me, get there hair done with spiral curls, by salon people. I ask my mom for money but she said no . It is hard tame my hair and run track what should I do.

How should u handle thick hair if no one wants to do it?

if i was you i would stick to a style like a high pony tail and then you would only have to worry about maybe curling the ends that are in the pony tail and it would stay looking good all day because you could just use the smoothing cream around the hair line. Also if you wanted to wear a pony tail you might want to save up and invest in a hair piece of fake hair (like kanekalon which doesnt go frizzy) that you can clip to the back because it would last you a long time and your hair would always good with no effort!

How should u handle thick hair if no one wants to do it?

I suggest a trip to the beautician and a light relaxer. Your hair will be supple and manageable and you would love it! Any style would be possible! See your nearest Black Hair Care professional. Good Luck!

How should u handle thick hair if no one wants to do it?

earn some money so u can go to the salon.

How should u handle thick hair if no one wants to do it?

it sounds like the only thing u CAN do is to braid it

cornrow,micros, any kind of braids will keep your hair out of your face PLUS its really stylish and your hair keeps growing and it cant break off as long as you put oil sheen on it to keep it moisturized and since you sweat soo much, if its in braids you dont have to worry about washing,drying,combing,brushing and all the other hassle that comes with ur kind of hair

~hope it helpz~

How should u handle thick hair if no one wants to do it?

I should have not put a perm in your hair. Thats the worst thing you could do to your hair. If you want your hair back to normal, the only think you can do is cut it all off and become natural! Having natural hair is the best!!!! African american hair looks so beautiful when its natural and curly.

How should u handle thick hair if no one wants to do it?

well if you mum aint gonna give you money , you should ask her if she can canerow it for you, carry on using the conditioner at nights

How should i do my hair for a church dance?

usually i like totally rock out in the church dances but tomorrow is gonna be really special cuz I have a date after wards... so how should i do my hair????

my hair is blonde w/ a black peek-a-boo

and i have a hot pink streak layers in my hair on the right side and my hair is a little past shoulder length.


How should i do my hair for a church dance?

Try curling it! That usually works pretty good, especially if you kind of poof it on top and pull like just you'r bangs back.

Hair plans with Special Effects dye???

My hair is naturally black, but I went lighter when I was going through a summer makeover bit.

I'm dying my hair to jet black. Then I'll be bleaching some portions professionally and going to town with Special Effect's Cupcake Pink.

How much time should it be between dying my hair black then bleaching?

Additionally, will the cupcake pink show if it accidentally gets rubbed onto the black hair???

I know Cupcake Pink is a fader... I want the nice contrast of the two colors.


Hair plans with Special Effects dye???

expect about 2hours or a litlle more,depending on the hairdresser it could be less (less meaning she/he is a good hairdresser) the die wont rub of each other so dont worrie,die is designed for this and your question is a fine example,as u could lets say die it blue and white it would be realy noticable if the both dies collided,but they are designed to wash out wats known as ESCAPING DEATH (death meaning die) just a funny expression,when u wash the hair,any colours thats have landed on each othe will wash off but not the colour of your hair as such it will only wash out the colour that shouldnt be where it is.

hope this is of help to you,and no im not gay hahahahahahah,my friend runs her own business in hairdressing. hope the above is a help

Hair plans with Special Effects dye???

If your hair is in good condition you shouldn't have too wait to long (couple days) Definitely have it done professionally! The pink will only appear to color the bleached hair. Kinda like using a pink crayon on black paper, it won't show up, but will on white paper.

Hair plans with Special Effects dye???

i have pink streaks in my hair too... and i use a dye that is exactly like special effects.. anyways the pink will only show up on the bleached bits , but if u really want to be extra careful , u can cut up some pieces of aluminum foil, and when you put on the cupcake pink , u can place the aluminum underneath it , , and then wrap it up , to keep it away from the rest of your hair

if i were you , i would bleach the pieces first , and then be very carefull , and wrap them up with in aluminum foil , or in little bags VERY securely, and then carefully apply the black .. but this could get confusing and messy ...

are you going to get the black done professionaly aswell ? because if you are , then they will be able to bleach the strands with out dying them black first .. i think that is your best bet , since it is damaging to go from black to bleach blonde

hope this heloped , and good luck %26lt;3

sounds like amazing hair !

I want pink or red streaks?

if i have colored m hair black and want pink or red streaks can i use the pink streaking kit from walmart it has a picture of a girl with short hair and fusia strips of color through her hair, i cant bleach my hair i am allergic to the bleach

I want pink or red streaks?

Definitly red!!!

I want pink or red streaks?

Its not going to come out sorry not the pink or the red is going to work you have to bleach!!!!!

I want pink or red streaks?

The kits I've seen required the hair to be bleached first, then the "funky" color applied on the bleached strands.

Read the instructions before you buy, in case bleaching is part of the process. If you have black hair, I don't see how any other color would show up well, unless you first bleached the black to a lighter color.

I want pink or red streaks?

Well, believe it or not, those kits contain bleach. It's already mixed right in. Don't use things from boxes in stores. Call up a salon, tell them what you want. There are other lightening processes that can be done without bleach to hopefully get you what you want, but you'll never find these products in a store!

I want pink or red streaks?

well dye what u want pink blonde than after it is blonde put the pink in it.

Would it be wrong to put some streaks of blue through my 4 1/2 year olds hair?

Last night I put pink streaks through my hair and my daughter loved it so much that her father and I have decieded to put a few blue streaks through her hair. It's not premanet and will wash out in a couple months. But I am afraid to do it, her kiddie hair is so cute and I'm afraid something could go wrong and mess her hair up forever. Should I just not do it or should there be no problem?

Would it be wrong to put some streaks of blue through my 4 1/2 year olds hair?

Shes a little girl who wants to experiment ! i totally say go for it ! I wouldnt use the " couple months" dye... i know they sell like; products that will wash out in one washing ; i'd start ( and stop ) there. shes four. one day she loves them ; the next - hates them .

But its really no diffrent than painting her nails; the added color makes her feel special and gives her something to show off; just make sure its only the Semi-perminant ; one wash and its out -- kind !

Would it be wrong to put some streaks of blue through my 4 1/2 year olds hair?

I wouldn't use that in her hair, maybe you can get some of the colored hair spray and use that? Because she might like it now, but tomorrow or the next day she may hate it.

Would it be wrong to put some streaks of blue through my 4 1/2 year olds hair?

She is only 4 she has her whole life to ruin her hair just let her be a kid!

Would it be wrong to put some streaks of blue through my 4 1/2 year olds hair?

Please don't. Where I live, rednecks do that.

Would it be wrong to put some streaks of blue through my 4 1/2 year olds hair?

no dont do it to her hair, just ge like the color hairspary that washes out, you dont wanna risk ruining her hair

Would it be wrong to put some streaks of blue through my 4 1/2 year olds hair?

i think it would be so cute and no it wont hurt her hair. hair grows everyday. not only will this wash out but that hair will eventualy be cut off when new hair grows. nothing is permenent when it comes to son 1 yr and i put blue in his hair all the time and i put it in a mohawk and dont worry about her being teased, its the trend. i know a ton of pple with colored hair like green or blue or somthing. everyone just gets a kick our of my 1 yr olds blue hair and pierced ear lol

Would it be wrong to put some streaks of blue through my 4 1/2 year olds hair?

I don't think it would hurt,but instead of using semi permanent die you might wanna try cool aid and water. Goes in easily and washes out after like 2 washes depending on her hair color.

Would it be wrong to put some streaks of blue through my 4 1/2 year olds hair?

it won't ruin her hair for life.

it should be all right... try doing on little streak first, if she likes it do a few more,

and if doesn't jive just give her an extra hair wash at bath time..

wash it twice of three will, decreas the amount of time it is in her hair.

a lot of people will say it is bad...but it depends where you live....if you live in the south, in the bible blet area you will get complete different reactions the if you did it in california.

don't go over board and do all here hair, (at first) maybe just one that will end up in her ponytail (if she wears her hair like that) maybe just the tips of her hair. (again, don't do all the tips at first)

try a little and see how it goes over, and how it looks on her (especially after a day or two), see how it affects he hair.

Would it be wrong to put some streaks of blue through my 4 1/2 year olds hair?

dont use dye see if u can find some spray on kind...that would be cute

Would it be wrong to put some streaks of blue through my 4 1/2 year olds hair?

Use the temporay wash out stuff that comes out in a couple of washes. If you like it, then go a little more permanant (a few months, not hair dye or bleach)

Have fun with her, if she wants to do it, then do it. A good way to look at anything in your life is "What is the worst thing that could happen?" If you can accept the worst possible outcome then whatever "it" is, is worth the risk! Hair is just grows out, we cut it, we fry it with hot irons, it is there for us girls to express ourselves.

Would it be wrong to put some streaks of blue through my 4 1/2 year olds hair?

My daughter was 5 and saw me putting red streaks in my hair and she wanted some too. I took her to the shop and let her pick out some wash in wash out stuff. It washed out after about 10 washes and did nothing to her hair. She was over the moon, she loved it and went to school showing off to all her friends. She was so happy.

Would it be wrong to put some streaks of blue through my 4 1/2 year olds hair?

she just wants to be like Mom..I say no big deal! BUT depending where your from you could get some looks from others or strangers and at school. I live in a small country town and let my son put red streaks when he was 12 and school treated me like I was a horrible parent. They got over it though and it didnt hurt his hair...when it comes to your children you have to pick your battles...really want to waste time fighting over hair dye when there alot more important things to worry opinion anyway

Would it be wrong to put some streaks of blue through my 4 1/2 year olds hair?

if it was one of mine, i would do it.

i considered using temp. on my three year old for new years [ he wanted green hair for a day soo bad] but he is a blondie, and i was worried that because his hair is so light [ we are talking platinum] and it wouldn't wash out.

But if his hair was a bit darker, i would have gone for it!

It is your choice, and your child, so if you want to, then do it!

Would it be wrong to put some streaks of blue through my 4 1/2 year olds hair?

why would any one want to dye in there child's hair.she has all her life in front of her to do things like that.what would you do if her hair fell out just because you want to dye it,would she look so pretty with no hair

Would it be wrong to put some streaks of blue through my 4 1/2 year olds hair?

Ok first off I see no reason not to! Be careful with blue though, it won't show very well on dark hair and on blonde hair it will turn green as it fades.

For everyone knocking the idea let me share a story.

My niece was moved around a lot early in her school years, had trouble making friends because of it. When she went into grade 3, after spending half of grade 2 at the same school, her mother and I put some bright pink streaks in her hair. It broke the ice with the other kids and gave her a bit of an "oh wow, so cool" factor with the other kids.

What's the best brand of non permanent hair coloring?

I really want to put a few temporary hot pink streaks in my hair. Do you have any tips on the application or brands?

What's the best brand of non permanent hair coloring?

I use color plus is comes usaully after 8 or 9 conditioning

What's the best brand of non permanent hair coloring?

When I did Mine I used Manic Panic, but you have to have kind of light hair to begin with, or bleach where the pink is going to got, then the bleach part isn't temp.

What's the best brand of non permanent hair coloring?

im wonderin the same thing...but not pink lol

How do I remove colored spray from hair and skin?

My kids used pink spray in their hair, and its on their hands and forehead too. How do we get it off???

How do I remove colored spray from hair and skin?


How do I remove colored spray from hair and skin?

well it should come off in the shower when they wash.If it doesnt then i have NO idea!

How do I remove colored spray from hair and skin?

use it using warm water and a little shampoo. Dont scrub cuz it will irritate your scalp.

How do I remove colored spray from hair and skin?

Try using Dawn dish washing liquid. I had the same problem last year and that spray dries out your hair big time too (don't forget to condition).

Try rubbing alcohol on the skin. That works pretty good too.

Hope this helps! Been there :)

Colored Hair?

Where can I buy colored (pink, blue, green, red, etc) hair extension things? I had some awhile back that were attatched to a hair pin and I just put them in my hair with that...where can I buy stuff like that now?

Colored Hair?

wall mart

Colored Hair?

Stores like Claires, Icing, and Unfortunately, Hot Topic is where ur best bet would be to get. clip on color hair things. If you are going to dye it, see a professional

Colored Hair?

They usually sell them at local shops for hair. If u go to a salon they might be sold there.

Colored Hair?


beauty supply shops

Colored Hair?

At a Hair Store, maybe?

Colored Hair?

you can always make your own. Just visit your local Sally Beauty Supply Store to get the hair extensions, the dye in whatever color you desire and the wig clips. You can look up online an easy tutorial on how to do it and it shouldn't cost you allot of money.

I want something unique done with my hair?

I want a cool color put in it like pink or blue. My hair is red now but im dying it a brown...HELP!

I want something unique done with my hair?

I think subtle yet extravagant u know like if your hairs brown and u have a side bang or something have pink underlayers i think thatd be sweet I stick w/brown w/blonde highlights myself all-natural look

I want something unique done with my hair?

i think if you'll have brown hair, you should get streaks of red or under layers. maybe dye the tips of your hair blue. well, how ever you dye it, i hope you like it. good luck

Hair color/bleaching?

ok so i have i think an oval shaped head.

1)what cut would look good?

i like this

(idk who that is i found it online?)

2.i wanted to get bland and pink streaks(i have brunetre hair that still has black in it from my 1st dying) but i cancelled when they said i had to bleach my hair

soooo.....what happens when they blech it (i heard it messes up your hair)

and should i do it??

thanks ciao

Hair color/bleaching?

plz don't bleach it cuz it RUINED my hair!!! i used to have the most gorgeous hair out of my friends that was silky and shiny and highlighting it just made it so bad....

if you do want to bleach it, then be prepared to spend a LOT of money on hair products to take care of your hair such as expensive shampoos for dry/damged hair, hair masks, conditioners, leave in conditioners, glosses, shine sprays, etc.

(i spend a lot on hair products)

i'm still waiting on my hair to grow....i'm halfwayish there!!!

so don't even think about bleaching it....

celebs do it all the time cuz they have the money for the treaments and hair care products.

the rest of us just end up with dull hair or way past our budget.

so plz don't bleach it!!

i think the cut is really cute by the way :)

Hair color/bleaching?

Take this pic to a salon and ask them. Its hard to tell but I think the girl has an oval shaped face to.

What is the best way for an african american woman to grow her hair out?

example: best pink lotion to use, hair grease, shampoo and any other hair products that would promote healthy hair growth. also, it would be nice to know some important hair techniques.

What is the best way for an african american woman to grow her hair out?

i am half blk half white. and i have found that by not using relaxers and instead leaving my hair curly has worked for me. i still have a problem with hair breaking off. but since i dont use a relaxer i use a chi. try using any herbal oil and just saturate your hair daily, straighten it with a ceramic straightener, and DONT use a relaxer..u cn email me with any other questions about brands if u need help.

What is the best way for an african american woman to grow her hair out?

well you can not make you hair grow faster just be patent if you are growing out your hair there is no potions to make your hair grow faster just keep your hair healthy.

What is the best way for an african american woman to grow her hair out?

I've heard that cornrows are a good option, since the hair is pulled tight.

What is the best way for an african american woman to grow her hair out?

pinks conditong shampoo, anp pink lotion



Should I get the icy blue color or french pink? I have dark brown hair.


Pink. It makes skin look warm and inviting. Icy blue is a beautiful color but very hard to wear with dark hair and not look like vampire girl.

And wear a magenta cashmere turtleneck under your new pink coat or perhaps a creamy white one.








I have dark brown hair too, and french pink goes really good with it! but then again also does baby blue!;...


take a look see


Blue (But that's just because I don't like pink!)


Blue. pink is for sissies!



LOVE the color ssssssssssoooooo much!!!!

it rocks!!!!




what is a north face? but if your talking about dying your hair i say french pink. it matches brown better. trust me i have brown hair and for crazy hair day i've dyed my hair blue and pink and pink definatly looks better!!!!!!!!!


Definitively, icy blue.


Ask friends, boyfriend, mom, sis, anyone with good taste - do you look better in pale blue or pink?

People try to dress brunettes in pink all the time, but choose the shade YOU love!






pink please .its my fav colour




Wow, well if its that really soft kind or puffy kind, get blue. If its fleece get pink :)



Does wearing a du-rag stop my hair.............................

i have a short afro that i started to let grow in mid december. i wanted to know how long will it take for it to grow long enough to braid it also i use pink oil in my hair also pick it all the time and wash it. it true that wearing a du rag stop or slows my hair growth?

Does wearing a du-rag stop my hair.............................

no, from what i know a du rag should make your hair grow faster cause its keeping your natural oils and moisturizers in, cause when you sleep with nothing covering your hair, your hair gets dryy

Does wearing a du-rag stop my hair.............................

nah it doesnt just dont wear it so much.

my brother and his friend are going bold cos they wear hats too much.

Does wearing a du-rag stop my hair.............................

Your du-rag actually protects your hair from breakage. It prevents your hair from rubbing against your pillow. I suggest waiting another few months before tying to get your hair braided. I hate seeing a man with short retarded braids. or if you are impatient go to a professional and get some weave braided in. If they do it right , no one will be able to tell.

Does wearing a du-rag stop my hair.............................

if you get a du rag find one that is silk it stops your hair from breaking..keep your hair moisturized and in maybe 2 months depending on your hair type you will be able to get some braids..i don't use pink oil i find that it dries my hair out so i use motions..don't wash your hair all the time maybe once a week (for black people) if you do it alot it strips the oil from your just depends on how active and sweaty you are how much you wash.. cotton scarfs or other types of du-rags will slow the process and cause it to break so like i said go with silk, besides stopping your hair from breaking it also allows your scalp to breath.. good luck

Does wearing a du-rag stop my hair.............................

No the du-rag does not stunt hair growth. Start using a moisturizing hair lotion that conatins natural herbs,vitamins,and minerals. I use Doo Gro.

If i dye my hair light burgundy red blonde?

and i do blonde highlights afterwards will the highlighted part come out pink? right now my hair is dark red brown but its kind of faded into a brown cuz red washes off easily

If i dye my hair light burgundy red blonde?

yes you could end up with pink streaks

to boost the red up in your hair

color glaze it once every 2 weeks or more often as needed/desired

If i dye my hair light burgundy red blonde?

i wouldn't put streaks it would end up pink. to boost the color use a color boosting conditioner or shampoo

I'm not really sure how to "tip" my hair in a different color..I need a safe easy, an

I'm going to a Fall out boy concert in May and me and my best friend are each getting our hair "tipped" in colors...since my hair is newly died champagne blonde I figured I would get pink ..and since her hair is also newly died raven black shes getting purple...WE REALLY NEED HELP...we need a safe..and Temperary way of doing this without screwing it up....

I'm not really sure how to "tip" my hair in a different color..I need a safe easy, and mosh pit approved way.

They make special kits that you can by to help you. Hair Salons like Sally's usually have some.

I'm not really sure how to "tip" my hair in a different color..I need a safe easy, and mosh pit approved way.

if both of you are starting out with light hair... you shouldnt be able to "screw up" to much because you wont have to bleach it. Just use color application brushes to apply the color, it makes it easier to get the color where you want and not anywhere you dont.

Be adviced..... if you hair is previously colored or in a "damaged" condition...even temporary color may not wash out completely and you may have to get a trim and cut off the tips when you're ready to get rid of the color.


What colour hair dye would cover...?

what colour hair dye would cover a redish pink? (i don want my hair black though)

iv already used a light brown, but it just made it darken to redish pink.

any ideas?

What colour hair dye would cover...?

Okay, i have (had) the same problem... the past few days i swear i have been buying hair color and dyeing it every night... I have tried lots of products and brands. Last night seemed to be the best one. The color was called Medium ash brown. I can not remember the name but the box is green and it is not the Garner brand. The girl on the front has her head tilted towards the left and she has he hair in a loose tie and her bangs sweep across her face. If you can not find that one then use a brand that has a cool shade to it, the label will says that cool shades cover up reds and brassiness. When i get home i will modify this message and give you the brand name.

What colour hair dye would cover...?

Use a medium to dark brown, or just bleach out all the color and dye over it. I'd do the second one, hair is already the texture of grass, so...hope this helps.

What colour hair dye would cover...?

go with a darker brown, or maybe auburn. of course it depends on your skin tone

What colour hair dye would cover...?

why not bleach the colour out? i think blonde hair would look stunning on you

What colour hair dye would cover...?

Try to put blond in it a few times if it is red/pink you will have to try it more than 1 time.

What colour hair dye would cover...?

Are you aware that hair dyes can cause Cancer? I'd stop putting dyes in if I was you. I'd rather have good health.

What colour hair dye would cover...?

in feb, i went to a salon to have my hair lightened and was talking to my stylist when we were talking about hair. she that her client was normally a blonde and she dyed her hair pink and didn't remember what dye she used on her hair. when she went to the stylist to dye her hair back to the blonde that she was she couldn't lighten her hair! the stylist tried to dye her brown but that also didn't work! so she ended up dyeing her hair black anyway. so keep in mind when dyeing pink or redish pink remember what dye you used and go to a stylist! i had this problem myself once! you may end up dyeing your hair black after all! and dyeing your hair as you are doing will really dry it out!

What colour hair dye would cover...?

First off please I urge you to go to a salon and have it fixed, it would be horrible to find spots later on or just the damage alone with alot of hairdyes on top of each other will make your hair fall out. Usually the hairdresser will tell you to strip your hair of the color which would mean bleach it then put the dark color back on. I would recommend that. But let a colorist do this. Do not attempt this yourself. If you cant afford to do it. Wait at least 3-4 days before attempting anymore colors. And I would say use either a bleach to make you a blonde or a black to take out the colors completely which is a way of stripping your hair until your natural color grows back....

What colour hair dye would cover...?

Meduim Ash Brown, anything with "ash" in it will not have a red or orange base. This will tone down the reds you have now. Your hair will still be a cinnamon brown but it will look a normal shade of brown. Also, the "true brunette" type hairdyes have great built in toners, or use a high lift dye for darker hair. And get a really good deep conditioner! ; )

What colour hair dye would cover...?

two things...First, red...any shade of it is the quickest to fade due in part that red coloring has the largest molocules and they don't penetrate the hair shaft as well as other it will fade pretty quickly. Second....I would reccomend a FULL FOIL. Heavily weaved to save you the color buildup that could result from you trying to dye and dye and dye. Color WILL NOT REMOVE color. The only thing you will do by coloring over it is create color build-up and have spotty results. Lighten it with the foil, then tone the blonde to a suitable color to "mask" the left out hair until the reddish pink fades. Good luck.

Blonde hair with black bangs.?

I'm getting my hair cut soon. And i need a new idea for a haircut and hair style. I have blonde, pink and black in my hair right now. I'm thinking of dying my hair back to my natural hair color (blonde) and getting side bangs and dying the top, well more like the top layer, and my bangs black. Do you think it would look good if yes could you show me some pictures so i would have a better idea.?

Blonde hair with black bangs.?

I think it'd look good (:

But the idea of blonde with just black bangs would look really good if styled well. I don't have any "un-scene" pictures, though, sorry.

Blonde hair with black bangs.?

Maybe have all your hair blonde, except an under layer of bangs a very dark brown or even burgundy.

Blonde hair with black bangs.?


Blonde hair with black bangs.?


Blonde hair with black bangs.?

wow that'll look hott but what about all brown with blonde tips at the end. it looks good with long hair tho.

Blonde hair with black bangs.?

I think it will look wayy cuter.

if you get layers and get black underneath and blonde on the top and then get black streaks and leave your side bangs blonde..

you will look weird if you get black sidebangs.

Blonde hair with black bangs.?

you'd look really hot with black hair and blonde side bangs.

Blonde hair with black bangs.?

So basically, you want to look like a clown?

Blonde hair with black bangs.?

eww noo! no ofeensee!

Blonde hair with black bangs.?

Stick with the regular blonde and side bangs.....maybe a pink streak or two.

Blonde hair with black bangs.?

Okay that sounds so wrong and weird. Don't ever do that are you out of your mind?

Blonde hair with black bangs.?

cool. i think it'd be different, but rlly cool

Blonde hair with black bangs.?

shave you head and have your new hairstyle tattooed instead. guys dig that look.

Blonde hair with black bangs.?

no. do dark brown bangs. black is too harsh

Blonde hair with black bangs.?

it wouldnt be my first choice

Blonde hair with black bangs.?

that would be so discusting.

you dont even know how nasty everyone would think you are.

how about... plain blonde

Blonde hair with black bangs.?

I don't have a pic. but I think you should dye your hair back to your natural color and dye the ends of your bangs Pink or dye the ends of your hair.

Blonde hair with black bangs.?

black bangs, i'm not sure maybe if u had black under layers it ur hair beneath the blonde, it might look cute then

Blonde hair with black bangs.?

if your trying to go back to your natural color then dying your top layer black isnt going to look natural at all.

Blonde hair with black bangs.?

these are the only ones i could find that is close to what you are looking for. Hope this helped

Blonde hair with black bangs.?

I think maybe it would look alright, but there are SO MANY people with that hairstyle and so many other hairstyles you could try. Maybe dye the top layer of your hair blonde fading into red or pink maybe? Or dye your hair normal blonde with platinum blonde streaks or something. Just try to be unique, I know lots of people with the black bangs/platinum hair thing, it's so popular and "scene" right now.

Natural Hair Color for Punk Hair?

My school is very strict about their dress code.

We wear uniforms and can't have odd piercing and girls can only have ear piercings.

We can't have distracting hair colors (nothing that's not natural (blue, bright red, pink, etc.))

I dyed my hair dark blue last year and got in trouble.

i have naturally black hair so how can i dye it to look more punk?

i have olive-ish skin so i'm not sure if bleach blonde would look good.. my skin's not too dark though

any opinions about sorta-dark skin and blonde hair?

please give suggestions that can be done at home. and are permanent

my MySpace so you can see a pic of me

Thank you so much!!

Natural Hair Color for Punk Hair?

Try a dark Auburnish Red, it look semi-natural and makes a sweet punk color, especially if hawked.

Natural Hair Color for Punk Hair?

maybe brown like dark brown and maybe lightier brown or so or maybe keep it the way u want to.

Should teacher force boys to wear pink bow or dress?

Yesterday I learn from my nine year old son that boys that misbehave and pick on girls at school are punished by their teacher. She puts a pink ribbon in their hair or makes them put on a little dress and wear it at recess. Do you think she has the right to do this? It is a private school.

Should teacher force boys to wear pink bow or dress?

I think this is a demeaning punishment. Not only to a boy, but what does it teach these boys about girls or how to feel about them in a respectful way. The teacher has the right, however, YOU have the right to bring it up to the teacher and/or the principal.

My child attends a private school so I know that they are much more inclined to listen to the parents of their students. You are their bread and butter. Remember this is nothing against the teacher, but her choice of punishment.

I see the reasoning behind her choice, but definitely don't agree with it.

Should teacher force boys to wear pink bow or dress?

yes i thing it work it happen to me and now i am lot nice to girl Report It

Should teacher force boys to wear pink bow or dress?

no she doesnt have a right tio do this and if you bring it up with the principal mention the word lawsuit and it will stop immediately.

Should teacher force boys to wear pink bow or dress?

HELL NO!!!!!!She should not be allowed to do this this cruelty and bullying in a form, what right shhould she belittle a 9 year old in that manner, i recommend you go straight to the headmaster ASAP. This teacher is not fit to be a teacher.good luck!?

Should teacher force boys to wear pink bow or dress?

Good lord no. What does this teacher think it will achieve?

Should teacher force boys to wear pink bow or dress?

No!!! There's a limit!!!

Should teacher force boys to wear pink bow or dress?

No, I think they should find another way to punish them. Where pink bows and dresses at recess will actually make the boys want to pick on the girls more because they will be laughed at by everyone. It may encourage the boys to get them back.

So I really think that they should find another way. Like taking way recess when it happens. Move the boys away from the girls. Have the boys go out for have the recess and have the girls to go out the other have. These are just some ideas that could work.

Should teacher force boys to wear pink bow or dress?

no, this should not be allowed at all. like the first answer said, take it to the principle and say the word lawsuit, it will stop.

Should teacher force boys to wear pink bow or dress?

No, this is cruel and it will only make a bigger problem in the future.

I think the teacher who came up with this LU LU of an idea is asking for a lawsuit. The schools have lost of ton of money on these types of lawsuits.

what ever happened to the common sense approach? there are better ways to punish these boys...why turn them into something that will mess them up in the head. shame on this punishment

Should teacher force boys to wear pink bow or dress?

There is absolutely no good that can come from degrading a child in this fashion (or any other for that matter)

The minute this type of degredation starts, the child is so focused on how humiliated they are that any teachability rising from the incident is utterly and completely lost.

I would talk to school administration, if they choose to stand behind this behavior, advise that you will be seeking legal councel as well as speaking with other parents who have kids in the school. Then talk to the parents of some of the other kids at school, have your husband talk to other dad's, if need be, take it to the media. I guarantee it will in all likelyhood stop before it gets to that point, because it's a private school.

My only other suggestion is if you choose to following through on the above, make sure to keep in touch with what's going on with your little guy...make sure hes not being bullied by other kids or being treated badly by the teacher because of it. Find out from him how some of his friends (or just other kids in the class in general) feel about this type of thing (I refuse to call it discipline)

Should teacher force boys to wear pink bow or dress?

Does it work?

I am sorry to say that Humility is sometimes the best punishment.

My nephew was picking on my daughter and my brother made him up on a dress and took a picture of it. We have had no problems since.

I also think that we should bring back sandwich board and put on the what a child had done wrong and have them walk around all day with it on.

Children pick on each other to put them down and yelling at the bully does not always work but humility usually does.

Should teacher force boys to wear pink bow or dress?

No, this is wrong. It's meant to embrass him. I wonder if the teacher has dealt with being bullied herself as a child so now she's very strict about it. This is wrong and you should complain private school or not it doesn't matter.

Should teacher force boys to wear pink bow or dress?

No she doesn't...yuo might want to request a parent/teacher conference to discuss this.

Should teacher force boys to wear pink bow or dress?

hell no!!! and if i ever found out that a teacher did that to my son i would be crashing a school board meeting after i had a hell raising party with the superintendent, principle, and the teacher. and by the end of the week i would have their job.

Should teacher force boys to wear pink bow or dress?

Since this is a co-ed school what are the girls made to wear when they bother the boys? Girls misbehave too.

Should teacher force boys to wear pink bow or dress?

hell no, you should threaten to remove your child from that school, i would definitely get my child out of that class today

Should teacher force boys to wear pink bow or dress?

oh no..

Should teacher force boys to wear pink bow or dress?

That is abuse and should be reported to the principal. Private school are not this is wrong, and if you find she does have the right, then you need to go fourth and pave the way and take it to the top. First talk to the principal and if you get no help then take it to the school board. Everyone should have the same punishment and each class should have punishments worked out like no recess or color changes that sort of thing. Man I am mad but it will do you no good to go to the school shouting, go in there being nice but firm.

Should teacher force boys to wear pink bow or dress?

That is just wrong - not only is it embarrassing for the child, it almost gives permission for the other kids to pick on him.

I'd call the principal and share your concerns, and demand that it stop right away. I think it's abuse.

How can I fix my hair?

So I decided to put pink highlights in my hair but because I had some blonde highlights in my brown hair the color was more intense than i wanted.. How can I dull down the color around my roots since thats the only part that bothers me (other than a sharpie marker that is).

How can I fix my hair?

Do not thin out your hair. Here is a simple household solution. Mix about a tablespoon of baking soda into the average amount of shampoo you use at a time. Apply to your head and let sit for about 5-10 minutes.

Most pink colors a semi permanant which meens it stains the outside of the hair cuticle. This will help the color fade off the hair.

How can I fix my hair?

You can easily fix your hairs with the help of fixer and gel available in market.

How can I fix my hair?

The only thing that really dulls color is washing it over and over.

However, it would effect all of the color. Not just your roots.

How can I fix my hair?

I would recommend going to the hair salon/hairdressers, and ask your stylist if she can thin out your hair, where the pink highlights are, and then ask her to highlight them back to your blonde hair ;-)

Hope I helped, good luck ;-)

How can I fix my hair?

Dawn dish soap. It's amazing.

How can I fix my hair?

Try asking your stylist! They should know how! :)

Clip-in Hair Extensions, help!?

I want a blue streak and a pink streak in my hair.

I'd need one piece of each, about 7-8 inches long.

Any suggestions on where to get them, or the price range?

Thanks :)

Clip-in Hair Extensions, help!?

go on ebay I was looking there yesterday and found some for like a few dollars they are on there. :) Alot better then spending 50 dollars on jessica's how lame. Also this website rocks for that and for any other beauty need you could think of it is awesome.

Clip-in Hair Extensions, help!?

Jessica Simpson's line of hair extensions.

they have different colors and they are all clip-ons.

i forgot the name of the brand but you can google it.

hope this helps!

Clip-in Hair Extensions, help!?

They're pretty cheap. :]

Clip-in Hair Extensions, help!?

Here is an excellent site with some wonderful options 4 U.

Clip-in Hair Extensions, help!?

Clip-in Hair Extensions, help!?

you could go to the beauty supply store and buy the cans of color for maybe 1 or 2 ......when you do when that color anymore just wash it out

Clip-in Hair Extensions, help!?

If this is a long-term thing, instead of a passing whimsey, save your shed hair and color it with spray-on or whatever. It's still your own hair! :-)

I'm inspired to add some neon red streaks to my own in that fashion. I have the saved combings (Mary Queen of Scots making lace from her own hair has nothing to do with this, that's "history" and "crafts").

Blonde pink synthetic wig to a pink wig??

I dont have any money to buy a pink wig so how can I make it pink?? It isn't real hair by the way..

Blonde pink synthetic wig to a pink wig??

You could try making some strong cherry Kool Aid and letting the wig sit in it for a while. Let it then air dry.

Whatever you do it could possibly ruin the wig, so make sure you don't care about the blonde wig before you start trying stuff.

Please help me!!! Quick!! Hair question?

I was thinking about putting pink streaks in my hair today but I dont know if it will look good. Give me your honest answer! Guys,I need your help. This is my hair color: %26lt;----------- BTW that isnt me. What do you think? Should I or not?

Please help me!!! Quick!! Hair question?

that would look AmAzInG on ur hair color, get like a light pink my friend has it on the back of her head ( like iff u put it in a pony tail or something u can c it) i dont think u should get it all over it would look toooooo much get it only in the back underneath ur hair so when u put in up, it would look aMaZiNg %26lt;3333

Please help me!!! Quick!! Hair question?

i'd say a brownish color, but not too dark.

Please help me!!! Quick!! Hair question?

Do fuschia pink, not light pink like Avril- works much better with your hair color and skin tone (if that tone is close to your skin color). Good luck!

Please help me!!! Quick!! Hair question?

I personally would'nt do it because it may turn out like green... But if its your style '*!Go 4 It!*'

Please help me!!! Quick!! Hair question?

heck no that would look aful i would not dye your hair at all if you did anything to it at dark blonde highlights

Please help me!!! Quick!! Hair question?

Uhm, person above me, it wont turn out green if you have an experienced stylist...I don't know who YOU go to...Anyway, go for it! If you don't like it you can always dye it back or have it cut out.

Please help me!!! Quick!! Hair question?

if you realy want to put streaks in your hair do them thin not chunky and make them this colour..... hope this helps u!!!!

Please help me!!! Quick!! Hair question?

If you want to, it is your choice.

Please help me!!! Quick!! Hair question?

I think it looks fine as that color, but if you decide to go ahead with it, try for a medium toned pink, not really dark but not baby pink either, it'll work best with your hair. But you might want to try it on a small out of sight section to make sure it turns out like you expected.

Please help me!!! Quick!! Hair question?

I would say don't mess with it unless you know exactly what you're doing. With pink you have to get the shade exactly right and get exactly the right amount of coverage. Otherwise you risk being mistaken for a walking cotton candy.

If you're a punk rocker though, then just go for it.

Horse hair regrowth???

My appaloosa horse was out in the pasture today and got some pretty nasty looking bites.

There are three of them (right where the saddle sits!!!) about the size of baseballs. The skin is not pierced but they are bald, sore, and tender and he has pink skin.

Will the hair regrow normally? How long will it take? Will I be able to ride him, and if so how long should I wait?

Horse hair regrowth???

It will take probably about a month to completely regrow to the length of the haircoat surrounding it. I would give him a couple days off to make sure his back isn't sore before riding him again. One thing that does help keep skin healthy and protected (especially in summer, but it works in winter too) is to smear Vaseline over the exposed skin. Be aware that it does catch a TON of dirt, so the surrounding hair will be dirt colored until you can give a bath (or it sheds out, since it's getting close to spring).

To help evade such nasty bites in the future, you could consider putting your horse out with just a fly sheet to protect him a little more, IF that is safe in your pasture and IF it's not possible to remove the bully horses.

Horse hair regrowth???

horse grow new hair 4 winter and summer coats. so yes. when bites r not sore, thick soft pad til not tender. keep skin moist(vaseline cheapest) will help hair grow after it has healed.

What should I color my hair???

My skin color is VERY pale I am a white girl. I am naturally brunette.I have extentions just past the chest area or so and wanted to know if i should (a) just dye all of my hair chocolate brown keep it natural looking(b) dye my hair dark brown with just blueish teel extention pieces too.(c) dye my hair chocolate brown with teel AND hott pink pieces (d)dye my hair chocolate brown with just the hott pink pieces or lastly (e) or dye my hair black and blode(but i dont know where to put the blonde in)

What should I color my hair???

CHOCOLATE ALL THE WAY! With a pale skintone you really want the dark hair because it offers a's the same reason why blondes are obsessed about being tan...they want contrast between their skin and their hair. Just dye it all chocolate brown and leave it alone. I'm sure it'll look beautiful! As far as experimenting with colors, I'd get the snap-in colored extensions instead of dying the hair. It's healthier for your hair, and you can change them any time you want. Have fun!

What should I color my hair???

Go for "B".

What should I color my hair???

Hmmm...I like the last one E. You mean all around highlights right?

....but you say you are about something funky like this?---%26gt; the girl NOT the guy lol

What should I color my hair???

you should just keep it natural and go with a. or you could to e which with my idea would look really good since you do have pale skin. dye all your hair blonde and underneath the part around your neck dye it black. a lot of people are doing that where i live and i think its cute!

What should I color my hair???

if i was u... then i wud totally die my hair black and put either red or purple streaks in my bangs......rite now i have purple and black hair.... and it goes very nicely with mi skin color..... i have a sorta pale color...

What should I color my hair???

I would do with a or e!!!

It would be very cute if you died it blonde and then put brown on the underneath!!!! Its very cute!!!!!

go to this site ^

Hair Dye-can i dye my hair immediately after bleaching?

Okay, last night I let my friend try to put red and brown chunks in my blonde (not natural) hair. I decided that it looked terrible and went out and bought a bleaching kit (Feria). All of the brown came out (I already had brown underneath, and i left it like that) but the red turned to pink. Can i dye my hair the same color brown that was previously underneath to make it all one color? The pink and bleach looks HORRIBLE with the brown underneath. Oh why do I get myself into this kind of mess? Someone help me please!!!!!!!

Hair Dye-can i dye my hair immediately after bleaching?

You need hair professional help girl! Please stop the abuse and get to a good colorist after you prep your hair. You will need several treatments of Extreme by Redken that is both protein and moisture. This is not a "hot oil" thing- this is serious repair for hair. The colorist is going to fill the hair and hopefully use a semi- perm color that you two agree upon. Permanent color will not stay any longer in this porous mess and will cause more damage. Do not shampoo your hair again after the color is removed for 24-48 hours. Use only color safe shampoo. Avoid overexposure in sun and tanning beds. When it starts to fade use a color depositing shampoo and cond such as Artec in the appropriate tone. All hair color requires maintenance. Be prepared to re-color the brown in 4 weeks. Best of luck.

Hair Dye-can i dye my hair immediately after bleaching?

your hairs gonna be fried but you can dye it whenever you want to

Hair Dye-can i dye my hair immediately after bleaching?

You can technically do it. But if your hair is bleached, the color could just fade right back out because your hair is so porous. Try a long lasting semi permanent color like this.

Hair Dye-can i dye my hair immediately after bleaching?

yes. i hate to say it but I did the same thing a few months ago. buy a really GOOD dye (Nothing cheap or off brand) And do it FAST!!

Hair Dye-can i dye my hair immediately after bleaching?

Dont worry, you can color it. I color my hair every month and I just colored it two days in a row because I hated the color. It will not hurt your hair to color it again.

Hair Dye-can i dye my hair immediately after bleaching?

welcome to the world of red hair color...its the hardest color to keep and the hardest color to get rid of. my suggestion is to go to a professional colorist and have them either strip it or recolor it. If this is not an option (i understand all to well financial limits) my suggestion is buy a good semi permanent color and go over the whole head, you will also want to get a good deep conditioner as bleach is absolutely awful for your hair (this from a bleach blond who used to be a red head).

Hair Dye-can i dye my hair immediately after bleaching?

just buy a permanent brown colour and choose a shase you like then buy a good deep conitioner such as andrew collinge or aussie because with all these chemicals your hair is likly to be dry,weak ,brittle,damaged

i hope this helps

p.s use herbal essences colour as it contains no ammonia and is the least damaging ,i use it and my hair is soft sleek and shiny

Hair Dye-can i dye my hair immediately after bleaching?

Yes you can dye it. Just try not to dye it for a while after that. Once something similar to that happened to me and after a series of screw ups my hair came out fine. But I dyed it 4 times in a week and it was fine. You'll be fine just wait a while once you get it normal.