Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Natural Hair Color for Punk Hair?

My school is very strict about their dress code.

We wear uniforms and can't have odd piercing and girls can only have ear piercings.

We can't have distracting hair colors (nothing that's not natural (blue, bright red, pink, etc.))

I dyed my hair dark blue last year and got in trouble.

i have naturally black hair so how can i dye it to look more punk?

i have olive-ish skin so i'm not sure if bleach blonde would look good.. my skin's not too dark though

any opinions about sorta-dark skin and blonde hair?

please give suggestions that can be done at home. and are permanent

my MySpace so you can see a pic of me

Thank you so much!!

Natural Hair Color for Punk Hair?

Try a dark Auburnish Red, it look semi-natural and makes a sweet punk color, especially if hawked.

Natural Hair Color for Punk Hair?

maybe brown like dark brown and maybe lightier brown or so or maybe keep it the way u want to.

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